










國際合球總會新世界前25排名 2008 1月
Top 25 of the IKF Ranking per 1 January 2008

排名 國家 積分   排名 國家 積分
第1 The Netherlands (NED) 荷蘭 178 Japan (JPN)日本
第2 Belgium (BEL)比利時  169.5   Indonesia (INA)印尼  
第3 Czech Republic (CZE)捷克 156.5 Cyprus (CYP)塞普拉斯
第4 Chinese Taipei (TPE)中華 149.125   Papua New Guinea(PNG) 巴布亞新幾內亞  
第5 Portugal (POR)葡萄牙 138.250  Bonaire (BON)
第6 Great Britain (GBR)英國 130.375   Canada (CAN)加拿大  
第7 Russia (RUS)俄羅斯 129.875 Curacao (CUR)
第8 Australia (AUS)澳洲 125.625    Denmark (DEN)丹麥  
第9 Germany (GER)德國 118.875 Finland (FIN)芬蘭
第10 Catalonia (ESP)西班牙 112.5   Singapore (SIN)新加坡  
第11 Hungary (HUN)匈牙利 102.0 Surinam (SUR)蘇利南
第12 India (IND)印度 85.5   Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)波希米亞  
第13 South Africa (RSA)南非 85.0 Brazil (BRA)巴西
第14 United States(USA)美國   79.0   Turkey (TUR)土耳其  
第15 Poland (POL)波蘭 75.5 Italy (ITA)義大利
第16 Hong Kong China(HKG)香港 63.625 Romania (ROM)羅馬尼亞  
第17 China (CN)中國 59.5 Sweden (SKC)瑞典
第18 New Zealand (NZL)紐西蘭 52.125 Malaysia (Ma)馬來西亞
第19 Macau China (MAC)澳門 39.0
第20 Slovakia (SVK)斯洛伐克 20.0
第21 France (FRA) 法國 15.25
第22 Armenia (ARM)亞美尼亞 13.0
第23 Luxemburg (LUX)盧森堡  12.0
第24 Wales威爾斯Aruba (ARU)阿魯巴 10.0
第24 Greece (GRE)希臘 10.0
第24 Serbia 設比亞 10.0
國際合球總會世界排名計算方式( 01 January 2008) 
1) If a team does not enter an event in its region then it gets 0.
    若未參加地區性的各項比賽則得 0 分
2) If a team cannot enter an event because it does not qualify for the main event because of its position in
    the Continental event they should be penalised further. In these cases they should be ranked below the teams in the main event.

World Championships 世界錦標賽

1) Points allocated according to position 20 down to 1 (allowing for the future where teams enter but
    cannot participate due to qualification rules).
    根據名次計算積分,積分從 20 分至 1 分

2) Weighting 5
    加權 5

3) Since all countries could enter the last championships, no entry = 0 points

Continental Championships 洲際錦標賽

1) Points allocated according to position 16 down to 1 in Europe (including those who failed to qualify at first round event).

2) The differences in standards between Europe and AOKF is taken into account by starting AOKF at 14 (= 3rd Europe), with 2nd place 11 (= 6th Europe) then 7 pts, followed by 5 down to 1. (Note for 2004 only, the points for AOKF were set at 11, 9, 7 due to no event elsewhere and number of entries. In future the AOKF will not have ‘extra’ events to Europe)

3) A country without a CC is allocated a set total of 9.

4) Weighting 3

World Youth Championships  世界青年錦標賽

1) Points allocated according to position 14 down to 1.

2) Weighting 2.5

3) In line with general comment 2 above, those who entered their Continental event but were not invited to go to the WYC will get some points. The next highest in Europe would be placed 11th, next highest in AOKF 12th, and next highest in Europe 13th.

Continental Youth Championships  洲際青年錦標賽

1) Points allocated according to position 14 down to 1 in Europe.

2) The differences in standards between Europe and AOKF is taken into account by starting AOFK at 12 (= 3rd Europe), with 2nd place 9 (= 6th Europe) then 6 pts, followed by 4 down to 1.

3) AOKF Championships has been calculated as being in 2002 to coincide with EYC otherwise weightings needed changing.

3) A country without a CC is allocated a set total of 7.

4) Weighting 1

World Games  世界運動會

1) Points allocated 6 down to 1

2) Weighting 2.5

3) Although this disadvantages teams who do not qualify it is still an important event to use in overall rankings.

Youth Events like Apeldoorn, JWC and YTC 

1) These are not included as it disadvantages countries from outside Europe too much.

Weightings for years

1) Years are calendar years.

2) The current year is 2004 and has a weighting of 1

3) The previous year (2003) has a weighting of 0.75, then the year before is 0.5 and 0.25 will follow.

AOKF and Asian Championships  亞洲暨大洋洲錦標賽

1) If a Continental Federation has more than 1 championship in the 4 year cycle then special arrangements must be made so that the ineligible teams are not too disadvantaged but the participants benefit.

2) With respect to the Asian Championships, winners get 11, 2nd get 8, 3rd get 6, 4th get 4. For teams outside Asia, those ranked above the winner will get 1 less than the winner (i.e. 10), those below the winner but above 2nd will get 1 less than 2nd (i.e. 7), and so on. This means those below 2nd but above 3rd will get 5 and the rest 3.